Why are other companies unable or unwilling to improve their trading UIs?

I want everyone to perform well... it's not my intention to be the example, but if I start talking about the investor whose example inspired me, Walter Schloss, people will simply tune out.

The problems with "better UIs" are twofold... more resources actually means slower interactivity. You can have all the tools in the world and you'll likely perform even worse.

The skill isn't in having the tools... that's just bells and whistles to dazzle people with less comprehension. A university study of 66,000 day traders found that 82% of them lost money and the 18% who didn't still underperformed the index by 1-2%.

Why do people think they'd be the special exception? The same reason people pick up the phone when it's a scammer, or pop open spam emails... because people love to believe they are special. They love it so much they will fall for all kinds of shit.

If I'm a broker, I can make more money off you with a snazzy UI than you will make off of me... and that's probably what you have no choice but to do if you are a shit business hugely reliant on new acquisition because your customer churn is super high.

If you're a business that depends on developing long term relationships, it's a bad investment of capital.

RH flamed out in less than 5 years. Charles Schwab, the original discount brokerage,e said "okay we'll do $0 trades" and won't change our SLAs one bit, and fucking clobbered them.

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