Are Play Testers A Thing Of The Past?


I'm a veteran game developer with over 10 years of industry experience. I've worked on Gears of War 2, integrating the Steamworks API into Steam, Dota 1(Late Stage), League of Legends, Hatred, IS Defense, and the list goes on.

I've worked starting off as an Intern at Epic & my last AAA job(Riot Games), I was a lead live designer making grand decisions that shape the entire balance of the game. My primary job there was balancing the game & completely understanding how players would take those changes & how it would play out, so I know everything with AAA studios & small studios involving QA, systems engineering, chat systems, user experience, live design, game design, systems integrations, and advanced AI algorithms(Specifically, reducing "memory usage")

I will answer your questions with what I consider 100% indisputable answers. If you don't like them, tough shit. i assure you I'm not giving you an answer unless I am 100% unquestionably sure of it, so don't bother trying to argue with me about it. I can tell from how you word these questions, especially the first one, that you legitimately have -zero- real-world game dev experience so I'm just not going to debate it, which you seem to do in a passive-aggressive manner to the other replies.

Now that is out of the way

  • Why is Saving so shit after 3 previous AAA games?

This is called Save-State in the industry. This is by far the hardest part of QA because you have to be positive that the game saves properly after ANYTHING that can happen in the game. I won't go into why, because there's no point; the question is answered, but this is the #1 cause of delays in games.

  • Why is trying to get into Cover so shit after 3 previous AAA games?

New Game = New Engine, even if it's an iteration, so your entire premise is false. Period. Question answered.

  • Why is the FOV so tiny when aiming, with no options to change it?

Because FOV is one of the #1 cause of disorientation in casual gamers & this is a casual game. Adding a FOV slider changes how the entire game is played & perceived so it's easier to just control it. This is why you GENERALLY only saw FOV sliders in older games in competitive games. It can legitimately ruin the entire story & atmosphere of a game. That is a fact. Next question.

  • Why can I only change guns either when I pick them up, or if I go to one of those Portable Outpost thingys, even though I'm carrying them the entire time? Same goes for Mods and Armour?

You're nit-picking small quality of life things so I won't even bother. You're just nagging like a child in this. Make a specific question regarding game design. Saying "Why can't I do this small thing" isn't a real question; it's rhetorical. It's just you complaining.

  • Why is it assumed that you just know how to play a Mass Effect game in Andromeda? Like, barely anything to do with the RPG/Skills/Customisation side of things is explained in depth, and if you miss the pop-up, too bad. Isn't Andromeda meant to be a new start for the series?

Sounds like to me you weren't paying attention & blamed the devs once you were past the tutorial. Next ""question"".

  • And lastly, a Pro-Tip that you won't find in-game: Hit Spacebar to make Customised Colours stick to Armour and Clothes, because GL;HF trying to figure out that one without Internet research. How is something that simple missed by, ehem... "QA"?

This wouldn't be done by ahem... "QA". This would be done by user experience.

If you take anything away from this, do yourself a favor & don't make stupid fucking posts like this ever again.

/r/Games Thread