Are you surrounded by a lot of motorcycle negativity?

Its not just cagers either, the motorcycle community is pretty fucking toxic itself, and /r/motorcycles unfortunately highlights this it times, damn shame.
The bitching I hear about how it can never the riders fault when they crash is fucking ridiculous. Yes, asshole, it is your fault you got hit head on when where going 30 over the speed limit, into a blind corner, and crossed the double yellow. How can you even be able to begin to justify that kind of shit?

Our wonderful sub here is also guilty of my other pet peeve. Yes, Inline 4's are powerful great motors for going fast, but that doesn't mean everything else should be fucking outlawed. No, you will not get killed if you start on anything other than a Ninja 250. Yes, V-Twin cruisers do not have as much top end power as your new R1, why is there such a big dick competition over horsepower? Let people ride what bike they want to ride, theres plenty or people, including myself, who do not feel the need to treat the god damn road like a racetrack. No, not everyone who owns a Harley wears full store brand gear and runs drag pipes, drag pipes are for idiots who don't know "how to performance."
If you are seriously one of those people that wear a full race suit to go around the block, good for you. The thing thats really annoying is getting bitched as for wearing a half-helmet, just a vest, fingerless gloves, etc. ATGATT is the most fucking annoying circle jerk in the history of this subreddit, ever. I guarantee you that if you told somebody wearing a half helmet that it provides less protection in the chin area than a full face helmet does, they would call you and idiot, say that they know, and keep wearing the half-helmet. Recommending some gear is nice, gear shaming is not, you're making yourself seem like a white knight.

Continued in comment reply.

/r/motorcycles Thread