Are vaccinated people too scared to say anything about their health?

no i do not have night sweats. after taking the vaccine i would just have normal loss of appetite. usually for junk food. the issue is that i love junk food. who doesn’t. but i was eating, like, an abnormal amount almost every night, sitting for hours on end playing video games. after i took the vax, i just couldn’t eat shit like that anymore. hence why i lost so much weight. i just got checked up last month, nothing raised any eyebrows so i’m fine. my major loss of appetite is an issue tho. and i’m trying to eat more but thanks for checking with me about this. haven’t had elevated temps either. i said i “look sick” bc i got so skinny in a short time, so ppl are obviously gonna be surprised. i hadn’t seen my parents for 2 months after the vax. after i lost about 45 lbs just not eating and playing soccer twice a week, i maintained a steady weight and started working out more. since the beginning of october i’ve gained almost 10 lbs back in muscle. i am fine. but there are some things i’m worried about in 2-3 YEARS from now. THATS what i’m worried about regarding the vaccine

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