ARTICLE: JL projected for less than 100m?

other interpretations. His birth parents still envisioned the same goals they wanted him to accomplish on Earth as they have in previous Superman movies. As for the Kent’s, they still raised Clark to be an upstanding individual who has strong morals and knows why it’s important to do what’s right(bully and bar scene). The motivations he had were pretty clear. He wanted to save anyone who was in need of assistance and protect his adoptive world. Towards the end of the film, he states this. Brooding? I can recall several instances of him showing emotion beyond brooding(flight scene & scenes with his mother and Lois). He also seemed quite happy and contempt when it came to saving Lois and the soldiers during the Smallville battle. Looking back at it, would it really be logical for him to overly enthusiastic while he had trouble fitting in with people of his adoptive and was tasked with stopping a planetary threat only after being Superman for a day?

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