We asked for universal healthcare, instead we got prices up front

You have to do an outpatient procedure to remove a high cancer-risk mole. You have a few weeks to research this. Hell, you even have the diagnosis codes directly from your doctor!

So, you go and look at the coding sheet for the hospital. They are showing you their usual and customary fees. But, you have insurance, so those aren't the fees YOU are being charged. You use google to try and search for applicable codes related to that diagnosis. Which will THIS hospital choose versus another? What codes do they bundle together in regards to disposables and dispensables for that procedure? The answer to these questions are, who knows! Every hospital does it differently. Every insurance fee schedule agreement with each hospital is different. A hospital choosing to charge you for a bunch of expendable items like syringes and gloves and stuff separately or bundles together is arbitrary and more or less at their discretion.

But hey, this is real homework. Go forth and report back to us and let us know what the best price to remove a mole from multiple hospitals in your area is. Should be easy, right?

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it