Asking as a non-American, how realistic is it that Trump will be re-elected?

  1. Clinton won the popular vote.

  2. Economy is growing slower than it was under Obama.

  3. America is mostly city and surburban people. If most people lived in rural areas, they wouldn't be rural. More to the point, I'm so sick and tired of conservatives preaching about how they have this do it yourself attitude and don't need government help, and that they are the real Americans.

Sorry, but liberal states pay more into fed taxes than they use. Sorry, but liberals are more likely to be college educated. Conservatives/rural people are the ones who use public roads, send kids to public schools, all while yelling about small government. Conservatives are the ones legislating morality and banning things like weed.

If you are on the fence about the guy currently under multiple federal investigations, who is racist (birther conspiracy), and who is anti-vaxx, you are a complete fucking idiot.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent