Assad defends presence of Hezbollah fighters in Syria

Your buddy mod deleted my post and warned me, yet left your post alone and did not warn you from what I can see, when all I did was repeat your own bigotry back to you. Apparently it is okay to discredit a Shi'ite but not a Jew on the basis of religion. Interesting.


And you're a bigoted fuck. You're a Jew, so bias established. Why is an ignorant bigot mod of a subreddit where he can indulge his ethical deviances in a place that is priding itself on its serious discussion. I honestly cannot believe you just started with that. You should not be a mod. An Israeli mod about Syria. Who thought this would be a good idea? I never cared, but you just proved you are incapable of modding this place. I was invited here before this place was a subreddit and left soon after it was apparent this place a pro-rebel circlejerk. I guess it has not changed. I will advocate for your removal as mod.

Nothing I wrote had any politics behind it. It is simple facts of day-to-day life any Lebanese would write. Your insistence it is biased proves your bias. If I wanted to politicize, I would have rather than writing about what clothes I wear. A deviant sees his deviancy in everything before his eyes.

An Israeli trying to tell me what a failed and captured state is? Oh my. I will do what I usually do not and tell a story about Reddit to my friends IRL. This is funny.

I did not say anything about Hezbollah except for a sentence in passing. The fact you had to write paragraphs about it shows how obsessed and projecting your own bigotry onto others.

I will not argue with you since you are obviously closed-minded. And I will especially not argue about Israel to an Israeli. Everything you have said is evidence of your own bias.

I will say this though: If it were not for Hezbollah, Israel would still occupy half of my country after they INVADED. Splitting society in half, massacring the farmers, and so on does not give you a crumb of credibility when discussing morality.

Every time I drive to the South, I spit as far as I can towards the border.

For people who have not been to the Israeli-Lebanese border, let me pain you a picture in words. On the Israeli side, next to fences and watch towers, there are beautiful plots of cultivated land squared off and seeded right up to that fence. On the Lebanese side, for hundreds of yards, it is nothing but fallow ground wild and uncultivated before eventually leading to plots of land farmed and cleared. Why is it like this? Because if the farmer's get too close to the fence, despite being on Lebanese land, the Israeli soldiers will shoot and kill you.

I also always loved feasting by the river, next to which is a giant hill. The Israelis would come to that hill and picnic as they watched the Lebanese drown in blood. That is the Israeli pasttime.

Israel regularly invades Lebanese territory to either destroy "Hezbollah listening devices" or to merely illegally patrol without feigned context. Israel regularly kidnaps shepherds on Lebanese land in order to interrogate them on Hezbollah movements. It is luck if they are eventually thrown from a jeep back into Lebanon or whether they are off to an Israeli jail.

When I would visit Sur, my Father would always point out the remains of the Israeli fence where they would be camped behind when they occupied my country. From the safety of that fenced off area, they would randomly snipe civilians out of boredom who could do nothing in return else they would be further slaughtered. We would also salute the gate where the Israeli cowards fled with their tails between their legs thanks to the valiancy of Hezbollah.

I am not going to argue your silly bigoted point of view. An Israeli telling a Lebanese that Hezbollah will destroy his country? Yawn. Israel has bombed my neighborhood more times than I can remember. Destroying apartment buildings of civilians, destroying schools, roads, etc is what is hilarious when you talk about Lebanon being destroyed. I suppose Israelis would be the best judge of that as they have been trying to destroy Lebanon for decades.

Again, you went completely off-topic with a bigoted rant. And you are a mod here. This place is a joke. I will message LAKY, as you definitely should not be a mod.

And by the way, my family is irreligious and does not have a good opinion of Hezbollah at all. We live among and rent to Sunnis, Christians, Druze, Kurds, Armenians, Palestinians, and now Syrians. I was previously a Marxist, so no I am not religious at all. Half of my family is Christian. So, you have zero idea to whom you are speaking to. I do not care to be on the receiving end of irrelevant bigoted rants.

The only threat to Lebanon is Israel. Hezbollah are the saviors of Lebanon and the only reason Israeli troops are not swimming in the Litani.

Easy as fuck; you're a Shi'ite; bias established and argument won. (and FWIW I'm just guessing so you could TKO me with a mere "no I'm not.") Not that I disagree with most of what you wrote but there are some salient bits of your post that tend to originate from a very specific narrative. A narrative that has served to further entrench Lebanon's position further as a failed and captured state under the hegemony (if not control) of a single minority enjoying massive backing by a third party against the recognised interests of the broader society. Your country violently lost a leader to one party's power plays and immunity from prosecution under the threat of its dual proxy lords' intervention, got (disproportionately and unfairly) fucked due to said party's actions in 2006, has been dragged into the most violent conflict of the contemporary era by the usual suspects and their sponsors and will inevitably suffer even further since your "protectors" have tens of thousands of rockets ready to fire at a very defensive neighbour that is both capable and willing to lay waste to your entire society when and if it feels genuinely existentially threatened. Hezbollah have given you nothing but grief since the Israeli pullout and will eventually lead you to utter destruction unless they reorient to real rather than imagined/theological/delusional threats.

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