Atheists of Reddit: Why did you become an atheist?

Basically, I got tired of spending my years in what felt like a one-sided relationship. Growing up I was always told to pray and consult the scriptures and God would show me my path and my purpose in life. After more than 20 years of praying, studying, and earnestly seeking some kind of sign or revelation or something, I gave up. I stopped praying, stopped going to church, and told God that if he wanted me back, the ball was in his court. I'd been putting in my best effort my entire life and never got anything in return. Finally being outside of the church for the first time in my life was like leaving an echo chamber. No longer were there other people around to ease my concerns or answer my questions. I had always been a naturally curious and questioning person, so I decided to seek answers elsewhere and see what I found. It didn't happen all at once, but after enough reading and thinking on my own, I came to the inescapable conclusion that my religion (and every other religion) was scientifically, philosophically, and morally incoherent and walked away from it entirely.

/r/AskReddit Thread