Atheists, what leads you to believe our universe is likely the result of a fundamentally lifeless, mindless and pointless process at base?

Anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed, in my view.

In your view. This is your original thought? Then explain to me why I have heard this over a thousand times and can reference this to someone else. This is not your view. This is a view, which you have adopted. One, which I might add, is itself asserted without evidence. This is not a "theory" but a popularly adopted opinion.

However, until there is evidence for them, there is no justification for believing in their existence. I am not claiming that Creators do NOT exist. I'm simply saying that until there is evidence for such Creator(s), I am not reasonably justified in believing in their existence.

This is also not your original thought but an adoption of the opinions of others. A finely crafted string of words. You are not claiming creators do not exist, but you reject that they do. The important thing is what/how this consciously/subconsciously forces you to order your life. And in the final analysis, it is to continue living as though the Creator doesn't exist. Which is the real purpose behind these words.

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