Attempted kidnapping of five-year-old child in Canberra's city centre

Sure, many child abductions are well planned, do you really believe that all criminals are insane crazy types? Mayve that's what you tell your kids to avoid discussing complex psychology.

"A loonie with a knife" means someone with a psychological disorder wandering the streets with their favourite kitchen instrument when they see a child who resembles their childhood classmate and believes they need to be saved from a cloud of coughing covid gas and since they've always wanted to be a hero they grab the child and rush to a nearby alleyway which is "safe". Since that nearby alleyway is 10 meters away in full daylight with the parents literally holding the kids hand, the loonie is quickly subdued and police are called.

Here is an actual abduction: there is no knife. There is no guy. The child just "vanished into thin air". Parents initially thought the child wandered away. They look in nearby bushes. They shout the kids name. Panicked, they ask nearby strangers to help look. Maybe the kid fell down a drain? The theories become more Nd more stretched. It simply couldn't be possible that someone took them right? I mean, could such a crime so well orchestrated and planned? Yes, is the answer.

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