Why attractive women are single?

I was single for 10+ years until I met a good man. I stayed single for all this time because:

  1. I had a man gaslight me, lie to me, cheat on me for 7 years before that, and I couldn't
    trust any man after that.
  2. I decided to get my MA, and possibly a PhD. I was focused on improving myself.
  3. Who has time for anything when you're working full time and doing higher education at night. that means I paid my own tuition, and graduated with my MA debt free.
  4. My abusive father had died, and for the first time in life, I was free of male abuse.
  5. I didn't want kids. If relationships meant marriage and kids, then I took a hard pass.
  6. It was better to live alone than live with a shitty man.
  7. Back in the day, men didn't help with womens' work, as it was called then. So I'm supposed to have a full time job, then come home and work the second shift at home? Hard pass on that.
  8. Freedom to live, dress, eat, and travel how I chose.
/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread