Au 1 million ? On peut dire ça ?

La montre à 1 million d’euros que je vais porter pour aller au gala.
The one million euro watch I'll wear for the gala. (correct)
La montre au 1 million d'euros que je vais porter pour aller au gala.
The watch with 1 million euros I'll wear for the gala. (doesn't work) Le youtubeur au 1 million d'abonnés viendra au gala. The one million subscribers youtuber will be at the gala. (correct)
Le youtubeur à 1 million d'abonnés viendra au gala. The youtuber with one million subscribers will be at the gala. (kind of works but isn't correct)

It's quite subtle but it's all about how the preposition links two words together. Maybe some else can explain the grammar behind it?

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