Australian in Europe

Ha, VERY funny and 100% true story about this. Read the entire thing. Advice at the end.

I was dating a girl for 3 years back in the summer of 2014. Met through mutual friends. Her dream was to explore Europe with her cousin, and so she did. I let them go alone - bad idea.

She came back after 2 weeks. Said to come over and bring her passport copies which I was holding for her and information I was keeping. Handed me a T-shirt from a soccer team over there and chocolate from Switzerland. Said we needed to talk and broke down in tears saying how bad her life was here and she wanted to stay in Europe for every. I consoled her and we eventually agreed to take a break so she could figure things out.

The next day, she texts me asking if we could end the break and we got back together. Fast forward 6 months to last November/December after traveling with me and going to 2-3 weddings. Everything was going well, but I knew she was keeping in touch with some 'friends' from her trip... specifically a group of Australians.

Well, turns out she announces this one particular Australian has bought a plane ticket and is coming to see her for Christmas and New Years. I'm shocked. Didn't think I had anything to worry about as they were literally on the other side of the planet. I realized after the fact, she wanted to be back together the next day after that break because she didn't think the whole Australian thing would ever work. I was 'plan B' in case it didn't and she wanted me around for that.

Shit went down, she's crying, trying to make a decision between this guy and me. She wants kids, a big house, married. I don't want that yet at age 26. But we're 3 years in. She decides he should come, see how things go, and make a decision from that. Her mom agrees and all her friends think it's so romantic that an Australian is coming to see her even though we're still 100% officially dating. Stupid me agrees as there's nothing I can really do about it. The new me would have realized I was being dragged along, not stood for it, and just hit the eject button and wished her good luck..... but I didn't.

Best of all, she was a virgin and I was too. We both lost our virginity to each other about 2 days before the Australian came to the US. I've been told, he doesn't even know I existed as she covered it completely up during the trip.

Got to spend all last Christmas and New Years by myself watching them tour the eastern US. She defriended me on Facebook shortly after and I hadn't heard a thing until her about a month ago.

My aunt works at the same school she does. Top 5 paying school in the country. Turns out, she quit her job, got engaged around June 2015 when school ended and is getting married December 11th this year. She's moving to Australia and apparently going all in with this 23 year old farmer guy from Australia. Her teaching degree she spend 6 years going for a masters at a top college here in the US doesn't count over there.

I took 6 months off from girls... worked on myself, my passions, my career. Realized I was a beta loser for the most part... or at least became one after dating her for so long. She molded me into this obedient beta who would do anything for her... take her plays, out for drinks, with her family, and sacrifice all my personal goals and needs. Made some big life changes. Also realized she wasn't such a great person. She was just lonely, wanted to her married, and would do ANYTHING to do so.

So win win for me in the end. After getting back in the saddle, I ended up dating a model, prom queen, and now this really attractive singer/artsy girl I really have a genuine, strong connection with. 2015 has been an amazing year of ups and downs.

I don't date around or do the friends with benefits thing. My goal was just to meet a ton of people, a ton of quality girls, and choose from them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - which I've found out the hard way. After the breakup, my just general skills with women really took off. I'm really glad and happy at this point. I also really hope the girl I'm unoffically dating at this point also really enjoys what I bring to the table too. We met through cold approach at a fountain one day in early September after I just liked the artsy look/vibe she was giving off.

One big thing I learned was not to just settle for anyone who will accept you. That's what I did through most of my life. Now, with choice, I was able to date different people and find the traits I really like in a person. Hopefully for the girl, they can also find and enjoy the things I bring to the relationship too. In the end, that should always be your ultimate goal through learning 'pickup' (such a lame word for it actually. "Success with women"... "Better relationship skills"... those are much better).

So, advice for you going to Europe. Understand with your accent, you're already outclassing most guys there. Americans will go BONKERS for you. Literally all my ex's friends and her were so amazed at the accent it was almost disgusting, ha. Use it to your advantage. I'm sure European girls will enjoy it the same.

One tip I've heard from Europe is that guys don't tend to approach over there. Specifically eastern European countries. They're much more docile and cold approaches just don't happen. When you do cold approach, it's really outlandish and again sets to worlds apart from most guys there.

Be a party animal, but be safe. Girls on vacations want guys having fun, being nuts, and just having an epic time. These guys are the most attractive.

Also, understand that by just being on vacation, you're in this 'good vibes' world of your own. Almost like a state pump. Other girls or guys on vacation there too are also in this zone. It's like being in a fun party for multiple days/weeks. Girls are much more eager to sleep with random guys and hookup in this scenario. Many girls want to brag they hooked up with some hot Australian after they get home and even some are searching for a magical fairy tale with a wedding being the end.

Good luck and have fun! Cheers.

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