ZNZBE3: hardstick high silver(1950-ish) 400+ games a season lucio main. I want to get into gold so much.

Nice backcap on the 2nd point attack. You almost ruined your moment when you stopped and presumably typed in chat. Type in chat when you are 100% safe.

You went from a risky cheese stall on 1st point defense. You put your team at a severe disadvantage for only several seconds of stall. Your team was also pressured in the 5 vs 6 at the front when you were stalling.

I suggest only going for cheese stalls in QP. Any team that looks out the window would see your cheese stall. Plus many players now know about the cheese stall.

Not sure why you ulted in spawn at 16:22. I hope it was an accident.

So those are 3 easy things that you can do to improve your play: don’t stand still to type unless you are 100% safe; no cheese stalls; and don’t beat in spawn.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread