Is she aware that the Black Panthers and Malcolm X were socialists/socialist sympathizers?

There are tons of similarities between tankieism and neoliberalism. Many tankies on Reddit go to S4P to argue in FAVOR of free trade, and I've seen someone on SLS say big business is better than small business. Tankies and neoliberals are also more likely oppose free speech and call the white working class an unjust "labor aristocracy." In general I think tankies have lost touch with the emphasis on the "little guy" that, in contrast, allows the Dirtbag Left to expand its appeal beyond college campuses and other "wacko," culturally charged left-wing milieus. You can imagine a churchgoing father of two from Peoria listening to Chapo Trap House and voting Bernie in a way you can't imagine him donning a Che Guevara T-shirt and screeching about "social imperialism." I think a return to humility on the Left, a rediscovery of the spirit of FDR, WJ Bryan and Eugene V. Debs, and an abandonment of the '60s counterculture will be both advantageous and vital to any resurgence of the Left precipitated by the Bernie movement.

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