Ayo... what if I failed??

I felt pretty good about MEE 1 and 3, but was a little worried because MEE 2 felt most substantive to me and I felt like I had blanked on rules that I should have known. I wrote up answers that felt the most right to me in the moment, but didn’t feel super confident about my answers on MEE 2, because I felt like I should have known that subject the best out of all of them and didn’t.

On the MPT, I felt good for question 1, but started running out of time for question 2, panicked and wrote a section that I felt was okay and covered the very basics but was not great. Made sure I had conclusion sentences for both questions but didn’t have time to draft a conclusion section on its own.

Overall, I felt better about the MEE than I had anticipated I would going in, but didn’t feel like I had aced it. I ended up with a 171 on the writing portion and was genuinely surprised that I did as well as I did.

I hope this helps!

/r/barexam Thread Parent