Babysitters of Reddit, who was the worst child you've ever had to look after?

Oh God my time has finally come.

Background: I usually babysit for this family on days school is canceled for snow or when the parents are both busy in the evening. This story though is when I had to watch the kids for 2 week all day during the summer.

I've had to look after a brother and sister. The boy was 13 and the girl was 9. The boy was at a summer day camp most of the day while the girl was at home. Unlike most babysitting I've done, the Dad was home, but he worked from home so he didn't want to be bothered with the kids. The girl has major behavioral issues, to the point where she will ignore all authority and do whatever she wants and the parents wouldn't ever punish her. Very annoying to take care of a child who won't listen.

But, the real issue of the babysitting was the parents.

A few months ago rhe Dad once asked me where he could buy drugs. He later tells me (during the summer) that he's clean. Great. Ahhh

One time I come to their house, and it's a totally wreck. Now, there home is not the cleanest place to begin with (the bottom of my white socks would turn black at the end of the day), but this time it was BAD. Furniture was upside down, bookshelves were knocked over, and papers were all over the floor. Dad comes down stairs and tells me he and his wife got into a huge fight and that he has to go to the doctor later to check for a concussion (turns out she did give him one). He tells me that me and his daughter should clean the entire floor the fight was on. Great. I get to clean by myself since the kid never listens.

Earlier in the day the Mom texted me about baking banana bread. Obviously I spent all day cleaning at there house and couldn't bake the bread. I get a text a hour after I left from the Mom saying how she really wanted the banana bread. SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY CLEANING. I SCRUBBED HER FLOORS, PICKED UP ALL THE BOOKS/ PAPERS, FIXED THE FURNITURE, AND DID ALL THE DISHES. Agh

The Dad also made me drive his car to pick up his son from basketball camp. His car is disgusting on the inside. The whole thing was caked in grime.

The parents were also uptight on what the kids should do. They were only allowed to play "educational" games that the kids did not want to do at all.

All while the dog was on medicine that made her need to go pee every hour. So I had to walk it in 95-100 degree heat every hour.

TL;DR: One child didn't listen ever, the mother was physically abusive to the Father, the house was disgusting, and the Father was addicted to drugs at some point while his children were 8 & 12 (about).

/r/AskReddit Thread