Bad bandits of dayz, what goes through your head when you befriend someone for a short 15 seconds before shooting them?

Sure, I'll respond to this. For a few of my dayz lives (about 6 or so lives), I just shot everyone on sight or after talking to them for a few seconds once I got a good shot available (this is when I only had maybe 50ish hours in dayz and a few months after the SA release). For those first 50 hours, dayz was plenty of fun, but after the 50 hour mark, I just got tired of Role-playing at all when the same thing would happen 99% of the time when encountering someone. I'll list a few examples that should be familiar to anyone who plays dayz alone: 1) a bandit tells me to freeze or he'll shoot. he just wants my stuff, and I have a gun on my back. I stop, and he shoots me in the head. 2) I meet someone on the coast, we run around for 5 mins talking. he finds a gun and murders me. He doesn't even say anything, just shoots me as soon as he finds a gun 3) sniped from seemingly out of nowhere 4) I get the jump on someone, with my weapon on my back, I could easiily murder this person who has his gun on his back. I say hello, and he runs around, takes out his weapon and starts frantically shooting at me. he breaks my legs and I die. 5) I try to trade with someone with little gear, and he punches me out cold...6) I try to talk to someone in the junkyard in berizino, and someone else just kills him and then murders me 7) I meet someone who looks friendly (has his weapon on his back like me. I say hello, and he quickly takes his weapon out, robs me and leaves me with nothing. 8) dude runs up to me, says hello, and shoots my legs, breaking my legs... and I can go on and on about all of the weird encounters I had for those first 50 hours.

Naturally, it's easy to see how demoralizing that can be, so I turned to the dark side for a bit. I imagine most people who are now "bad bandits" went through a similar experience. I partly joined the dark side for a bit just to test how bandits think, so that once I eventually return to the good side, I'd know how to defend myself better. I mostly joined for a bit just so I wouldn't die every single time I found anything decent.

/r/dayz Thread