Do I have a bad OBGYN?

There is so much to know about pregnancy. You really only get the quick and simple low down and any further questions have to come from you. Every woman has multiple concerns and different concerns. He can't possibly know what YOUR concerns are unless you tell him/ask him. But you've also mentioned you're a worrier... if there's not actually anything to worry about.. of course he's going to shut you down. However, any and all tests you want and consent to should be given.

I'm in a birthing class meant for midwife clients who are mostly supposed to be having a natural birth but you can see how different all our concerns are. Some women are al about epidurals (don't know why you got a midwife, but that's none of my business) others seem super concerned about the whole baby aspect and being prepared for something you can't possibly be prepared for. Others, like myself, are more laid back.

Your doctor is probably not concerned for a reason. And truly, unless you aren't actually doing well/feeling well, you shouldn't be either. No need for unnecessary stress. Ask him questions. He will answer you. Take it easy, mama. Your pregnancy will be amazing, your baby will be healthy. Both of you are and will remain healthy. It's all good. If you want some advice on whatever, message me :) I can talk you through the things you can/cannot eat.. sleeping positions, exercise etc.

Also, don't obsess over a birth plan. You can't plan your labour or birth. You don't plan when your baby comes, how they come, what they look like etc. It's not up to you. It is however okay to think about things to keep you comfortable and things you consent to etc. Who are your support people going to be? Epidural? Narcotics? Gas? Natural? Bit of everything? C section (which unfortunately they force women into if their labour isn't progressing at their standards but FYI labour will take as long as it needs to and you don't need a c section unless you or baby are at a severe risk) so many things. Just get informed about some of the things they might try to force on you at the hospital so you can give appropriate consent. That's really all your "birth plan" needs to be. Some women are like "I want white linens, bath tub in the room, John Lennon to serenade me.." lol that is not a birth plan.

/r/pregnant Thread