Bakugo's development is bad and i'm tired of pretending it's not

>All his determination is highly selfish, everything he does is because he wants to be better than others, it seems he didn't understand the meaning of being a hero, All Might, Mirio and Deku became heroes because they wanted to protect and save as many people as possible, but Bakugo only thinks about himself

this is the reason why i have always hated him, because he is so selfish. he doesn't care about heroism for the reasons why someone should, it's just a means to an end to one up other people and be regarded as better than everyone else. basically he's just a highly motivated narcissist and and i'm not going to be an armchair psychologist and justify this but to me he seems like a sociopath. he's always been an unrepentant bully with how he treated deku before he got powers of his own and if he was a real person he seems like the kind of kid who tortures and kills neighborhood cats and dogs because he's bored and he needs to vent.

/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia Thread