Banned for literally nothing?

He's giving you a cookie cutter response is all. Any time somebody questions these things, they get hit with a response pertaining to the "system," - The Magic Riot System, that knows all. Then a statistic saying only 1 in a billion errors occur in this magic system.

Except... The Tribunal was pretty much a bust and has been down for pretty much close to a year. The honor system was also a complete failure. And when automated chat restrictions first rolled out, you had people racking up 300+ chat restrictions in one to three days. Most perma banned players don't like talking about their perma bans, I don't mind just because I hate hearing how pretentious Riot Lyte is about all these player behavior systems as if they haven't been failing one after the other and "only .00000001% of the player base is toxic." Oh also another popular one, "The majority of toxicity only occurs in Ranked Game modes!"

Implying it matters where somebody is toxic? It's not too difficult to comprehend people rage and get upset more in ranked solo queue because they are playing alone with 9 strangers and losing actually has an impact on rank/LP. Playing an Aram with five friends and losing nothing except some pride while losing isn't really going to make somebody rage. I for example won't be telling my roommate I play Arams with to die and get cancer, some random person in solo queue won't care he's saying this to somebody because he doesn't know them.

And most people speak with ignorance, I have been perma banned and can personally testify that the old Tribunal system worked albeit extremely slow. Then it just crashed and people stopped being banned. I was toxic, I would get warnings, I would continue being toxic, I would get banned for a couple of days. This continued until eventually you get perma banned, in my case it took about three to four months. In this new "perfect system," you'll be lucky if you get 30 games of chat restrictions; also speaking on personal experience. So the system definitely sucks and if the Tribunal continues how it used to be, people will actually be banned but it'll take months and months.

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