Barack Obama takes action over US gun laws

There are legal ways to be a whistleblower, there are ways that put people in harms way without giving them a chance to get to safety.

No one said the kids should be murdered. You have concocted this whole fantasy that the ATF and FBI wants to kill kids. You have no facts to back that up FBI asked all kids be released some were. It was the Branch Davidians that believed they would all die for Koresh. It was Koresh that had all the kids chant about being soldiers in his 12 hour bible studies between molestations and rapes of his child brides... yes plural, multiple child brides.

You drive on roads built with government money and designed by government engineers, you use the internet that started as a government funded project. At this point you are lying about not trusting the government. You just pick and choose who you admit to trusting out of convenience. From the water you drink to the food you eat to the bridges you cross to the building you live in is inspected by government scientists.

And your lack of knowledge about how professional groups get licensed or certified, and keep their license is apparent.

Again, there is no point talking to you because there is no one you trust. You can't trust someone that went to state school because they get government money... you can't trust anyone that went to private school because they might have gotten a government grant and were basically paid by the government to go to school, you can't trust veterans because they were paid by the government. You can't even trust the weather report because those NOAA scientists are dun dun dun... National employees! You're fallacy of debate is at least that of composition, you have seen some fact of a corrupt official now you assume every official to be corrupt. That is fallacious. You have presented no evidence that anyone tried to kill children or that investigators were wrong or incompetent you just assume so. It is honestly a waste of time because you don't trust anyone, your paranoia has made you blind to simple facts like not everyone who is involved with the government is in the wrong. If you don't believe employees of the government maybe you don't even trust those that vote those employees into office maybe they are complicit in a world view like yours?

Everyone believes snowden by the way.

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