Basic Income Might Be The Answer To Society's Productivity Crisis

I like to comapre this to rich people.

what is the point of bill gate ever lifting a finger in his life time. he could pay 50 people full time to lift his fingers for him and he would never run out of money. but he still goes to work. he still is active in his charity.

what about the face book founder. he has so much money he could pay people to lift his fingers for hi, but he still sits on the board of his company, and he still makes decisions. he even started a charity i think with his wife to help people.

most of the people who pay taxes are actually wealthy enough to not need to work and so your whole premise in my mind is false.

basic income does not take from the worker. it takes from the wealthy. as the government issues bonds for a lot of its spending which mostly only the wealthy invest in bonds. the corporations pay taxes on profits. so if robots produced everything. corporations would be the only ones paying taxes.

so i understand your a middle class person who thinks they are paying a huge amount of taxes. but you need to understand most of taxes paid are paid by corporations or the wealthiest 25-50%

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