Being able to do well in high school without having to put in much effort is actually a big disadvantage later in life.

. Never tried in high school. Sometimes got effortless B-A’s on big tests but generally did bad in most classes due to homework, quizzes, and participation being a factor. Somehow got into college with a 2.7 gpa. Felt like I had more freedom to learn the way I wanted to learn and in return, did way better in college (3.75+ gpa for a few semesters).

The thing is, the lack of discipline and work ethic from high school definitely made it feel really hard in college and took a very long time to improve.

After proving to myself that I can get good grades if I really wanted to, I realized the GPA and most of the homework didn’t matter at all and proceeded to go back to how I was in high school but with more of a deliberate plan.

I put in minimal effort into homework and classes that I didn’t care much about but had to take. Then I Put in 200% into my core classes. Grades suffered but now I have a decent career from everything I learned from classes I cared about and things I taught myself in Lieue of my genera classes, so there’s that :).

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