Is being super depressed about work a normal part of being an adult?

I'm late to the party but I hope you read this. Your story resonated with me.

I graduated when I was 24, got a job in my field, and I was miserable as fuck. I had comfortable hours, a good boss, great coworkers, and I was working in a field I felt passionate about. I can't explain why it felt so miserable, but it did. I think a large part of it was that upward mobility was very near zilch. Is that an issue for you? I was so happy to just have a job, that moving forward was only just in the back of my mind when I first started out. But, I think I should have paid more attention to it, because the feeling of going nowhere probably had a lot to do with my misery.

To put it in perspective... I didn't like being a student, didn't want to be a student, and even though I was very GOOD at being a student, I HATED being a student. But, I CHOSE to be a student again to escape the career path I believed I was locked in to. Thankfully, I succeeded. It was a hell of a gamble, I will admit, but in my case it paid off.

It's hard for someone on the outside to tell you what to do in your situation. I hope you have read all the perspectives given, and can get a better idea of where you fall and make a choice about what is best for you. My two cents... it sounds like you can find at least a little more satisfaction in your career than you have currently.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread