Being too "clingy" with friend

PART 2: so besides those text messages, me and him use to chat on Facebook, and he would often give me advice. Here is some of the things he said to me:

When i told him i was struggling to understand people: Jesse, I was kind of a little bit like you when I was younger. I worked relentlessly to find out what works with people, and starting befriending a lot of people. I'm not even close to perfect however, and aspergers makes anxiety about people hard, but always try to have a positive outlook and things have been happy for me! Well, all I've got to say is keep improving, and ask (our teacher) about how you can improve. It's worth it in the long run.
I'm generally really nice to anyone if they are nice to me. And I'm sure you do have a character, you just hide it. Don't try to please anyone. Be yourself, and just be open and say hi to people that interest you in class. I guarantee one person will be really nice and have a small conversation about basic things, then it evolves into more things. Won't happen all the time, but I'm sure it will with one person of you try hard enough. I know you can do it!

When i started going to therapy to get help for my ptsd, and other issues he said this to me: Jesse, What you need to understand about me is that, I don't judge. If you do something wrong, I'll tell you. Not in a mean way, but a helpful way. Besides, it may not be a normal situation, but everyone has problems. Some have more than others. Going to therapy isn't something to be ashamed of. The human mind is complex and strange. Maybe something might not function right, and they will help you, I promise.

When i told him i was having trouble with making friends he said: I guess I am one of the few people at this school who has something called manners. Seriously you might be talking to the wrong people, ya know? It's not that you do anything wrong, some people see little differences between someone and judge someone because of it. Trust me, people don't like me because I'm a little "socially awkward" but other people like me. It's because I'm confident about who I am. I noticed in chorale people talking to you, maybe speak up some more. Unless you don't want to talk to any of them.

So i don't know if any of this can help with my situation right now, but maybe this could be some useful advice for some of you to save.

/r/aspergers Thread