Bernie Sanders: 'Damn right I will' raise taxes on the rich

I guess the thing that I'm curious about is the umbrella term 'wealthy'.

What about those people who has been the product of generations of hard work and smart investments that are working just as hard as the previous generations before. Those who are successful business owners but not 1% who will be affected by raising taxation? From my understanding, the 1% isn't even making income in the traditional sense, much of it comes from capital investments and taxation loopholes.

So ergo, you're not really solving the real problem but punishing those who just so happens to fall into a camp of the general term 'wealthy' but really just upper-middle class.

I'm not trying to defend the rich but to question the definition of 'the rich' because wealth is a spectrum and it's not easy to define without affecting those that fall in the middle.

Or are you saying that generations of wealth buildup through work is condemnable as well? If that's the case, then what is the American dream, really?

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