Non-binary "genders" are personalities, not genders.

Societally your interests and mannerisms should be a personal choice imo, after all people are unique individuals. Whether or not a person finds non-binary "genders" to simply be personalities (or non-binary "genders" even a thing) depends on how one views gender and sex based on biology. I think that certainly "gender" stereotypes as tied to a person's biological sex is a bit out of date. Before all the recent discussions about sex and gender; where i live, society was pushing for less social boundaries as with "human rights" equality (generally felt that there shouldn't be any societal boundaries to achievement in life). It shouldn't matter your social status in life, sex, skin tone, your income, sexual orientation ect. I personally think in a sense that humans are not really equal if we consider that everyone is a unique individual with their own personalities and skills. That doesn't demean anyone, as everyone imo is equal in terms of their value as a human being. One could also argue that people have no inherent value other than as another human currently existing and that value itself is subjective and personal to each individual.

If we look at "gender" as a societal stereotype of humans according to their biological sex; i suppose that people shouldn't really be defined by a "gender" at all and their biological sex should just be another anatomical piece of information, not a defining trait of a person. I mean peoples bodies work the way they work, right now you can take hormones or whatever but you can't physically change biological sex. You can however live life how you want as long as you don't force or effect others rights to live the way they want. That's why i think it's wrong to box people into a set of stereotypes.

IDK it's just my daft summations and thoughts.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread