Bernie Sanders says he won't endorse Hillary Clinton.

Sure - he could. But I give it less then a tenth of a tenth of one percent chance of happening based on logistics, and personal/professional reasons.

Ya Hillary and Trump have low favorability ratings and it will likely stay that way. That's the way elections work - you get to vote on the hand you are dealt. And unfortunately 3rd party runs aren't really able to be accomplished in America at the scope/scale of a presidential election. Plain and simple truth.

I doubt the average Hillary supporter hates you or Bernie. Sure - of course some do, but an observational bias from twitter/reddit is nothing. No one is going to hold a gun to your head and tell you to vote Hillary or convince you that she'll uphold the positions Bernie would.

The presidency is just a piece on the board. If Bernie supporters do what Bernie wants and stay engaged and involved and run for all levels of office....maybe they are a future progressive majority in congress and in the whitehouse.

As for parties what you have next to your name is largely irrelevant and progressifying the democratic party and building a third party aren't mutually exclusive. But sure - working families party and vermont progressive party are good examples of smaller third parties active at a state by state level. Green Party is a terrible example. I'm most focused on how to help bring these ideals to fruition - not just grimacing at the establishment people or taking my ball and walking.

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