Best Business Investment Return?

That's an okay idea.

From what your posting, I'm assuming that you are looking for something a little more interesting.

Because they are not usually discussed I will call them inclusions. Areas of market opacity and imperfection that in their hidden nature allow for supernormal return on profits.

Warren buffet is a perfect example. His original business model consisted of finding undervalued businesses that were to small to attract the attention of larger corporations and too large for smaller investors to take advantage. After acquiring Gieco as one such company his largest innovation was the float. And the rest as we say is history. His main regret was the acquisition of Berkshire Hathaway instead of starting a holding company from scratch. Most mistake the value of his advice and derive meaning from it in the standard value investing ideology. The true lesson he proffers has little to do with value investing in the classical sense.

I know of three such areas that a decently wealthy person could exploit. 2 of them are beyond my comfort level, but existent offer larger returns. Of course placing your money in these types of market poses an existential risk to capital as likely the value is both held and derived from the intelligence and acumen of the investor or his agent.

The third type of investment, the one I am most knowledgable about, is the one I would pursue. However, if you think I'm going to tell you what any of these things are over the internet for free, you'd have to be insane.

Let this be the unsubtle evidence of my veracity as sometimes what I say does not register with sufficient import. Never fly a Lear 24 over 42,000 feet, the engines have a propensity to flame out even though they are rated for the altitude. You might spend days looking for a problem that isn't there.

Personally, if I were going to be a pleb and buy real estate for a cap rate, I would wait until there was some blood in the streets. 1 million cash leveraged 5 to 1 investing in real estate in 2008 would be worth many multiples of that today. I don't need to tell you what 1 million dollars invested in 2007 would be worth in 2016.

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