Best and most relevant billboard ever (x-post on r/pics)

Revolutionaries are not accelerationists. A hopeless working class, with no means to defend themselves, are much less capable of being a revolutionary working class. They are a defeated working class. We have a stake in defending victories won by workers and the oppressed. Not only for our revolutionary goal, but also because we're decent human beings who genuinely give a shit about our neighbours. We don't want to see our fellow working class and poor peers starving, lacking opportunities, stability, etc. We want them to be empowered, safer, less burdened.

Revolution as the product of shit hitting the fan is a reductionist view. Revolution is the product of a dialectical relationship between labour and capital. It's the product of capitalist interests counterpositioned to working class interests. It's the product of the antagonism between the two classes which, invariably, must come to a head. That head can either be revolution and socialism, or defeat and subjugation.

Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg is an essential read, though. Revolutionaries agitate, but we do not create it. Revolution is a historical development based on the conditions of capitalism. It is unavoidable, no matter how much you try to focus effort into bourgeois democracy.

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