Best (tm) Mod available based strictly on longevity of life.

Wattage is a measure of power. Amperage is a measure of electrons flowing. When your coil has popped the wattage jumps up causing the very hot coil. Next time your mod checks resistance it should drop the voltage to get back to the set wattage.

I think I'm missing something here. My impression was we moved from the old VV standard to new VW standard so that when we switched attys we wouldn't have to adjust the setting as much. It would read the resistance and change voltage accordingly. On the other hand it is a power measure so if I need to heat up less metal I can see how that less metal would get hotter than the same power on more metal.

I'm totally missing your point of high power multi coil. I guess I am asking what is that reason and how does that apply to VV vs VW?

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