Be better to each other

For real. There's a guy I know at work who gets picked on by almost everyone. There is a lot of top-down pressure in my work environment and that tends to lead to people looking for scape goats. I'm pretty highly regarded and I make a point to interact with him as an equal, which is easy because he's one of the few sane co-workers I have.

Months ago I heard him saying, sardonically, "Yeah, I should just kill myself". I know it's akin to all the me_irl suicidal joking, but it really bothered me because these are the type of things, combined with a feeling of universal rejection from the majority of the people around you, that make it difficult for depressed or suicidal individuals to fight false rationalizations because we tend to think "so many people couldn't be wrong."

Thankfully he seems to be doing better. I hope he can see and will continue to see how dysfunctional our work environment is and not to internalize those things.

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