Be better to each other

I always reply to any "I want to die" type posts I find on the internet. Sometimes you can make a difference and it may be that one little thing that stops an awful thing from happening. Sometimes just having someone there can do wonders.

I met a young girl once while searching online for suicide related topics and advice. She (very unwisely) posted her number in a comment on some website saying she needed help and was going to kill herself that very evening but wanted help to try and stop. I replied thru text and first begged her to remove her phone number from the internet, which thankfully she did. We became instant friends and I learned that she was 15 going through typical 15 year old girl things, but she had had similar childhood experiences to me and so we could really relate to one another on a level that most people don't ever connect on. We talked for about a year every single day, sometimes all day long. I helped her decipher the opposite gender, choose which guys to date based on information she gave me, and she met a really sweet guy who took care of her and she was happy.

I had a very open "information policy" with my now ex-wife at the time, telling her literally everything of importance I did on a daily basis, especially if it was on the phone. She had trust issues and I tried to accomodate her, and she would regularly check my phone so I didn't want anything to confuse her. But she didn't understand and became angry, almost jealous. I tried to explain but she just didn't get it. I honored her wishes and cut the girl out of my life altogether. I wouldn't have done so if I wasn't pretty certain that thoughts of suicide were gone from her heart.

This was around 5 years ago. A lot has changed in those 5 years. I still think about her from time to time. She would be difficult to find if I wanted to, so I haven't tried. I never had any siblings and growing up always wanted a little sister to protect.

Taylor, if you're still out there, I hope you are still happy.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Link -