The biggest problems with a basic income?

It is, but you're also posting a lot of garbage in other threads.

If you cannot answer/refute the most basic questions, then UBI isn't ready for prime time. Right?

Oh, I definitely think it's the former. Both parties as it is are beholden to the interests of giant corporations and are not interested in enacting real change to help people.

But why would large corporations care? I mean, if this gives more money to the people at the bottom, then they have more money to buy corporations stuff.

What this forum is advocating is that UBI is good for everyone and hurts nobody. If that were true, then why hasn't it been done? It must hurt somebody, otherwise it'd have been done. Who does it hurt? Here you are suggesting it hurts corporations. Is that right?

But good luck telling people it's a good idea after decades of conservative propaganda about welfare turning the middle class against the poor, whites against blacks (yes, welfare attacks were originally about racism and dog whistle politics), and all this crap about how the poor are lazy and that's why they're poor, ignoring a whole slew of systemic factors at work there.

And raising the minimum wage has historically been about pricing blacks out of the market. Which is precisely what a $15/hour minimum wage would do today.

Our current political alignment does not allow us to have an honest discussion about the serious problems our country in a raw down to earth way, and I'm learning more and more that both parties don't seem particularly interested in helping the people. The republicans are antagonistic to the people and blatantly in favor of their rich donors, and the democrats throw people enough of a bone to shut enough of them up and make it look like they're doing something.

Our parties are joined at the hip. They want you to think it's left versus right, but it's really ruling class versus the country.

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