Bill Clinton spokesman on White House pulling Acosta's pass: 'This is an abuse of power'

I voted D straight ticket this go around but I've noticed even if I tell a Dem that but say I don't like the Clintons they will attack. You are somewhat right but there is really no evidence of him being a "sexual predator". We only have evidence of one encounter that was definitely an abuse of power and downright creepy and wrong (taking advantage of an intern, in your families home, and work place funded by us. A few weeks ago Hillary was being interviewed and still won't admit that what her husband did was an abuse of power. When pressed on how she attacked the victims she dodged the question.

With that being said it does not excuse Trump and if he is in violation of the law then he deserves the same consequences as the rest of us. Since he is the President NOW I think we should be focusing on his wrongs without justifying them because other Presidents were shitty, too. What's wrong is wrong but it doesn't help when ol' slick willy's hypocritical ass is acting like his shit doesn't stink.

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