It wasn’t Badger, all of his sky falling tirades are fake. This ones actually real and he wasn’t even aware. But yes this is real and it’s because of N issue I’ve seen coming for a long ass time. It’s class relations in indonesia nothing to do with the US. The ruling class doesn’t like the fact there is money trees growing everywhere and all the suppliers are ignoring the $250 a month salary cap, and bribing local officials to look they other way as they pocket most of the profits. Indonesia has the ultimate progressive tax for everyone who is a fan of the left, this countries economy came straight out of a Nancy pelosi dreamscape. The rich sell off the countries real natural resources (palm oil, rubber, gold, oil, gems, Mercury, Rare earths, etc.) and suppress anyone trying to pursue new ways of making money (kratom) all in the name of fairness and equality for all. Everyone is equally poor except for those brave leaders running such a utopian society, but they work so hard they deserve it right. If the suppliers there were operating legally they would be handing over 99% of their profits to the government.

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