Bill Walton in the pit at last night's Grateful Dead show

Don't forget about that one time when Bill was on tour with the Dead in Oregon! They were playing the show and they start playing Fire on the Mountain, and the volcano next door, Mt. Helens, blows up. When the show was over a bunch of them raced to the airport and boarded a plane. They told people at the airport they were scientists studying atmospheric conditions and the effect of smoke and volcanic explosions on the human spirit, so the pilot was terrified, but they convinced him to fly right into the smoking crater with fire and lava everywhere. He wanted to go home but they were on a scientific mission and they kept getting closer and closer. As they were flying around inside the erupting volcano, the military jets scrambled from the local base and came up there to get them out of there. It was a real dogfight but they had the spirit of Cortez on their side. They eventually left andDon't forget about that one time when Bill was on tour with the Dead in Oregon! They were playing the show and they start playing Fire on the Mountain, and the volcano next door, Mt. Helens, blows up. When the show was over a bunch of them raced to the airport and boarded a plane. They told people at the airport they were scientists studying atmospheric conditions and the effect of smoke and volcanic explosions on the human spirit, so the pilot was terrified, but they convinced him to fly right into the smoking crater with fire and lava everywhere. He wanted to go home but they were on a scientific mission and they kept getting closer and closer. As they were flying around inside the erupting volcano, the military jets scrambled from the local base and came up there to get them out of there. It was a real dogfight but they had the spirit of Cortez on their side. They eventually left and when they landed at the airport the pilot was most relieved as they quickly fled and went back to the rest of the tour.ded at the airport the pilot was most relieved as they quickly fled and went back to the rest of the tour.

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