Birmingham CrossPlex awarded 13 NCAA championship events with $23 million economic impact

Answering a question with a question? You're argument is saying a small % of a population (white and male and christian) has historically been responsible for subjugation.

  1. When does your timeline begin?
  2. Are you referring to America specifically?
  3. Dont you think its a bit broad to have disdain for a whole religion based off a small % of asshats?

Im sure you would defend Muslims if someone said "Muslims tend to be the ones who cause terrorist attacks." Because comparatively, a minute percentage of Muslims commit those atrocities, and some would say they dont even classify as actual Muslims since violence is against the teachings of Allah.

Even if it HAS been mostly white/christian/males doing the subjugation, maybe they were subjugating not because they were white/christian/male. Maybe they were subjugating because they were assholes whom abused their power and responsibility.

My point is, correlation is not causation, and this kind of bullshit wide-swath comments dont help us come together as a community, but promote an us vs them argument...which never works.

Not all christians are trash Not all men are trash Not all white men are trash.

Asshole are assholes regardless of their sex,color,or creed.

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