It's a bit unfair that you earn less Apex crates after reaching level 50

I feel your pain but from a business plan point of view, that would be absurd. Think about it, who would be more inclined to spend money on loot boxes? The newbie who just started the game ? or the level 50 try harder who spent hundreds of hours for free ? Early crates work like free samples and the more you play, the longer it takes to get skins. But also the more you play, the more addicted you get, and that's when the thought of buying skins start to slowly settles in, because you realise it's getting harder to get them by just playing... lootboxes never meant to be rewards, they are the actual product. From a strictly marketing point of view, the game is just a pretext to get you to that sole moment of indecision : take out your credit card so you can treat yourself by pumping up that main character of yours with legendary skins.

/r/apexlegends Thread