Black man who tortures, kills two white teens makes ‘Black Lives Matter’ speech in court

You seriously think that welfare and "strong social safety net" are to blame for this type of shit? That's some backward ass thinking. First of all, there is no "strong social safety net" in America. You don't seem to realize how little the less fortunate get over there. Second of all, the reason so many people on welfare mug and burgle people is because welfare isn't enough to keep a family going. If America really wanted to lower crime rates among the lower income people, they'd give them some actual help instead of giving them a few dollars a day like it's a fucking 3rd world country or some shit, and that's allowing them to live like kings. And you don't think you're already being mugged? Look at the top 1% in America. They're taking money out of everyone else's pockets because the government gives them all these tax breaks. You know where they make that money up? From you, and from every other normal citizen. You're fucking naive, dude. Naive, and ignorant. You really think that people would feel the need to rob other people if their job at McDonald's actually paid them a living wage? (Minimum wage IS NOT a living wage). You think that people would feel the need to rob people if they actually got help from the government, and had the funds to buy food and shit they needed?

Look at here, for example. In Denmark, there's very little in the way of muggings and all that. There aren't a lot of rich people, but the people who aren't making a lot get help from the government, and then they don't feel the need to go robbing people and shit because they already have food and a place to live and that.

And I know people are gonna read this and lose their shit/downvote me because I'm not participating in Reddit's hivemind, so fuck you if you're one of those ignorant ass people who gets mad at me because I'm challenging your beliefs that are based on narrow mindedness and lack of life experience.

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