Black Mirror [Episode Discussion] - S03E03 - Shut Up and Dance

Here's my opinion on some of the arguments I've seen in this thread:

(I may be posting this a bit late to the party, oh well):

I think it is wrong to watch CP.

Yes, it is not to the same level as actually abusing a child, however, those who partake in watching CP for sexual gratification are watching the documentation of a victim; they are watching a child being raped, molested, and horribly abused.

It is a crime in the US to possess CP, and I think it should be treated as criminal.

That being said, I do not hate people who have urges similar to Kenny. I think they are deeply disturbed for having such thoughts though, and such thoughts should never be seen as normal by our society. They should never be accepted.

They should be seen as what they are: sick.

Paedophiles should seek help. Whether it be finding a therapist that is willing to work with their issues, or even an online support group... They. Need. Help.

Watching CP is not help, it is feeding into their sickness.

There is nothing inherently okay with their urges.

But that doesn't make them terrible people. Assaulting children does. Watching CP is pretty awful to do as well for the reasons I listed.

I think what happened to Kenny was awful, I do not think anyone deserves that.

But I think he should of at the least been arrested, and been treated for his "addiction."

To hit the nail on my main point:

Watching CP IS acting on it. It is wrong, it is criminal.

Deserving of death? No. Deserving of prison, forced therapy, or a massive fine? I'd say either or depending on the severity of the individual's involvement in it.

/r/blackmirror Thread