'Blacks' should be 'segregated': Texas elementary teacher fired for Facebook post on McKinney video

Sorry, you're not going to wiggle out of this.

Wiggle out of what? I've been clear with you from the start. How are you not understanding men?

I find it pretty funny that you are attempting to insult my intelligence while at the same time failing to understand simple comments.

I don't figure you're going to realize that me saying you said something nutty is not an ad hominem argument

That is literally what ad hominem means. You are trying to discredit my points by calling them nutty. Are you really this ignorant or are you going to try to argue that definition also?

I can't even tell what your problem is here, but it seems to be focused on the fact I noticed there are currently conflicting definitions of feminism in the world.

Here is what happened.

/u/Jon-JONES told /u/DavidByron2 that he needs to learn what feminism means.

Then you chimed in trying to argue that the definition /u/DavidByron2 is using is what feminism has become and sarcastically remarking that "maybe we should go and inform all those people".

I tried commenting that yeah Bahar Mustafa doesn't understand what feminism is and then you started with your condescending bullshit about how it's my "treasured definition" and how I've apparently got a huge problem on my hands.

Now, looking at that comment you made comparing feminism to the republican party and using statistics you probably pulled out of your ass, you are clearly arguing that feminism has changed and the definition that Bahar Mustafa is using is what it has become. Then you are telling me "well you have a problem then you better go correct Bahar Mustafa and her followers" while at the same time arguing that feminism has evolved into the SJW bullshit that she is doing.

So yeah, this whole idea that all you are doing is "making observations" is bullshit. You're contributing to the problem by trying to convince everyone that is what feminism is now and we should all just accept it.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - mysanantonio.com