Blind people of Reddit, what do you find sexually attractive?

transgender people, by the very nature of being a small minority of people, cannot be responsible for gender stereotypes.

You dont have to be a transperson to follow the trans narrative that sex and gender are conflated.

In fact trans people didn't even come up with it, Judith Butler did.

Hence the reason I said trans ideology not trans people.

Many trans people agree with me.

Believe it or not, women (even self-declared feminists) can be misogynistic.

Indeed. But I fail to see how someone who spent 40 years fighting for womens lib hates women.

You were attempting to trivialise sexual abuse and exploitation.

In the context of comparing leaked nudes to raping someone.

What's wrong with that? Leaking someones nudes is bad, but not as bad as raping someone.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent