Your student debt is your own fault, pay it off yourself

also got my degree in something marketable that would get me a good job

A college degree in most things from most schools barely requires a pulse, and everybody knows it. Work a while longer. You'll come around to the fact that most people don't have what it takes to land a marketable, good job.

you don't know how to pick a good major

You might have been smart enough at 17 to pick the "right" major, but most kids aren't, nor do are their parents.

you won't manage your finances properly

This is too difficult for the average person.

That's your fault. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Have you no pity, sir? These are 18 year old kids making disastrous financial decisions. They're ready to dig themselves in deep and everyone around them, from all of their friends, teachers, society at large, and even their own parents are lining up to hand them the shovels. We don't let these people buy a beer for god's sake, but we let them sign up for six figures of interest-bearing debt. If you are still bent on blaming children for making bad decisions after horrible advice all around, then you're just an asshole.

You sound exactly like so many guys in their 20's sound. You've got all the answers. You were so smart and everyone else is so dumb, and fuck them for being dumb. You're getting ahead and you'll be goddamned if you have to part with a nickel of your money on taxes you think are stupid because you're coming up and you will not be stopped.

I know, because I was that asshole. I could have written this post 10 years ago. I was the cocky STEM grad fuckface who felt everyone who majored in anything which didn't directly translate into a future six figure salary was a cockwit and deserved whatever fate he befell. Yup, he majored in Film Studies. Fucking idiot, no wonder he works at Starbucks.

At some point in a man's life he should stop concentrating on what he does for himself and start concentrating on what he does for others. At 26 most men are not at that point because there is still much to do about and for himself.

At 36, I've done for myself all the things I've needed to do. If I died tomorrow it wouldn't be a tragedy. I used to get bent out of shape about my tax bill but I don't give a shit anymore - I barely know what to do with the money I have as it is. If the government wants to tax me another 10% on my money so everyone can go to college for free, then so be it. It will save me the expense of putting my own sons through college so it would probably even out anyway.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread