The Blue Pill World is disempowering.

One thing to consider is how much easier it is for women to cheat. All they have to do is except a proposition, whereas men must actively go out and pursue another woman...

This honor thing was definitely true in my case. I wouldn't even look at other women out of a sense of honor and respect. I have never cheated and prided myself upon my fidelity. I was so naive, lol. Funny thing is, she never respected or honored me in return for those qualities or any of my other noble qualities, like honesty, openness, communication, etc. She loved me for my natural alpha, my ability to provide and protect, fix anything, do anything, my ability to fuck her good and ring her bell (and largely for my looks).

When I came upon hard times she monkey-bared. I never thought she would leave, even if I beat her (which I have never and would never do). She totally played me. She was deceptive, ice cold and down right cruel after leaving me. Kept me on a string for a couple years after, while my whole life fell to pieces. She almost came back a few times but I was such a mess she just couldn't do it, and I don't blame her. Finally I went full NC. My broken heart nearly did me in but now I am so thankful for the enlightening experience. I have picked up the pieces and rebuilt myself stronger and wiser than before. I am more in my power now than ever, thanks largely to crossfit and evolutionary psychology. Trp was the final pieces of the puzzle which helped me to extiquish my anger and self pitty for being wronged. I was very dificult to understand how she could bail on me in such a heartless way after 6 !/2 years and all the sacrifices I made for her, all the things I bought her, new suv, put her through school stc. But now I understand. She was never going to be there to catch me fall and no-one WILL ever be there. I was there. And I built myself back on my own. Now I am a real man.

I've been with over 60 ladies and lost count. I'm now approaching middle age. All of my past relationships make perfect sense after trp. I was chasing a unicorn but now I understand that they don't exist. Once I realized this through trp, I just gave it up and something spontaneous and wonderful happened: I immediately gave myself the love I had been seeking my entire life. This is one of the most significant moments of my life... Sorry for the over-sharing, I don't have anyone to talk with about this stuff in RL and it just starts spilling out when I type....

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