Bodies Left on Mt. Everest

Sorry, it said in the imgur post people pay about 25 grand to scale the mountain. I think that includes passes, equipment, etc.

Some people are really good climbers and want the Everest experience. But many pay the money to go, come home, and get to say they scaled Everest. So a bunch of people who don't really respect the mountain and it's dangers go to climb it.

This leaves a lot of discarded trash all on the mountain, because of people who don't respect it. Then climbers will also climb and die due to lack of experience and things like that, just because they didn't respect the mountain.

I could be wrong on some of those points, but I am writing from memory what another climber was saying about Everest.

And this mountain is now littered with trash and bodies. And honestly, many amazing amazing climbers die on the mountain, because it is an incredibly harsh and often unpredictable climb. I'm not trying to disrespect the people who died on the mountain due to whatever caused their deaths. It is really sad and tragic.

I just get sort of mad when basically this sacred (to some people) mountain is being littered wit trash and bodies, and keeping bodies on the mountain for "the journey", and no other reason, seems quite ridiculous and disrespectful to me. Many people shell out money to say they went, and just don't respect the mountain. I'm sorry if it's hard to follow my train of thought. I hope I make sense. Stupid migraine is making me feel sort of confused. But yeah, anyway, it's about respecting the mountain. Just because someone paid $25,000 to go doesn't entitle them to change or keep the mountain a certain way (i.e. littered with trash and bodies).

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