The Boogie-Woogie Podesta Boys of 'Company B'

its too complicated/time consuming for me to try and explain from scratch considering I don't know many people's backgrounds/ how familiar they are with historical backgrounds or other institutions. At this point people really have to do their own researching and admitedly that takes time. The only reason Ive been able to stumble across much of this is that I was off two weeks and read through a load of banking documents in anticipation for the selection of the Fed chair last week and came to my own unorthodox conclusion of how much more centralised the decision making in currency markets are than I previously thought. If what I suspected was true that affects the entire philosophy behind my decision making process in commodities trading so I had to sift through nearly 200 years of acquisitions, mergers, who financed who in select sectors, not even getting close to the bottom (therefore unable to convince my superiors) but confident enough to implement it in my own trading, especially long term perspectives and what the tax cut/fed chair/america first policy means to my career. In 2008 I was in highschool and discovered 4chan right as the GFC kicked into high gear. These might sound unrelated, and they are, except to my personal story. The GFC convinced me to take a less orthodox route in my education/life path I in retrospect am very glad I did (long story, but did eventually earn my MS just last spring). It also kindled my interest in banking and economics which until my most recent career move I followed purely out of curiousity/ my own portfolio makeup. 4chan on the other hand, despite being 95% shitposting bullshit, did drop nuggets of gold every now and then, whether it be memes, solid insight into issues, or sense of community I relied on in my "lost" years. But for the past 5 years or so I only visit on occasion. Convinced of this new theory of a greater level of centralised decision making/collusion than even many high level bankers/economists believe, and that I only started saving my documents halfway through this search let alone organize them, and the fact that until that paper trail was completed and organized in a way on par with accepted standards in the industry, it just has too much of of a "illuminati" or "rothschild" conspiracy vibe than I would be willing to share with anyone I knew who would actually care/know ramifications pertaining to their own financial strategies (co-workers/bosses/parents) when the Fed chair and Tax Plan was announced (long term that is). Overly excited and contemplating over a few drinks at the bar, I remembered the one place I could turn for discussion that wasn't completely dominated with crack pot conspiracy theorists but still had enough unorthodox thinkers to spark discussion/put the word out. Motherfucking 4chan. After a few failed threads I baited them in with more colorful language into this thread. but before you read it, if you do, let me explain a few points: 1. No they did not declare "emergency" 2. These working papers, depending on the situation, can and do serve as dog whistles to medium (like mine) and high level financial institutions that are not directly controlled/in touch with very high level decision making but still important to the stability of the global financial markets. 3. The past few years we have realised the limits of the long time used "infinite growth model" as developments in global environmental impacts/ rich poor gap begin to undermine system stability which is not only the number one goal of the rich/ultra rich and elite rich, but really anyone with a significant amount of savings whether they know it or not. Trust me the last thing anyone like that wants is a complete financial collapse like what we we headed towards in 2007-2008. If the majority of the population lose their life savings over night you've got a full blown revolution on your hands or even war (think how hitler came to power, or why japan decided to invade manchuria) Anyway economists have been discussing for years how to best go about making that transition from infinite to stabilized growth, or even retraction, without causing it to tailspin out of control and blow up the whole damn system, as at its very foundation requires growth. And i'll be frank, protecting the global financial system meant deflating the average american's financial standing from a global perspective by a significant amount. But if your of the global financial class that really dosnt matter to you as long as - like i said before - you get a revolution on your hands. So we were stuck between a rock and a hard place, and most economists I talked to/read agreed that while tough decisions were coming either way, and hillary maybe overly global than some would prefer compared to a classic repub, both were extremely preferable to Trump who understands this complex network and would've gone after it like a rabid dog, completely disregarding stability of emerging markets to ensure the highest possible position for the nation in a US - China world (military perspective... the technical backstop of any possible economic crisis scenario - again just think of WW2) Lo and fucking behold, Trump wins. And he makes it VERY clear that he will operate on a policy of America First. This vastly accelerates the time table from maybe decades to a few years, which for global central banking is like finishing a PhD thesis the night before, you just gotta wing it. The #1 objective is ensuring a runaway in any emerging or developing due to fallout from the America First policy does not swing back around and bring down the whole damn thing because banking houses were too interconnected. Central banks start swinging back into full on defensive mode and this is akin to making a sudden 90 degree turn with a fully loaded supertanker. It takes a while, but by IBS's annual report this was pretty much completed shifting the house of cards so that any complete runaway would be "unloaded" on to south america, parts of the "east indies", and a handful of other robust enough yet (relatively) unimportant global economic players. The system is secured.

But then something started happening... Its hard to explain but its almost superstition, like bones tingling before a storm. Its so vague and subtle most of us, even in the financial world, rarely pick up on these signals. The Fed chair and tax cuts were pretty well accounted for already, but it still seemed as big players were going full on defensive much faster than even I had anticipated, just as if they were reading into these "dog whistles" in accordance to my new somewhat far out theory I was to shy to tell anyone about. Hence the 4chan post.

Now - here is where gets fucking wild, and not just for us financial geeks. While I'm there these "Calm before the storm" threads have hit #25 in a single day. This is strange behavior even for 4chan because the ONLY time the hivemind becomes that focused is during major events like a mass shooting. To its credit, 4chan is great place to get information before it hits the news cycle if you know how/ are willing and have time to sift through the bs. But the cream also quickly rises to the top, much like it used to do on Reddit before the change in algorithm. Already predispositioned with my own voodooey feeling i feel somewhat vindicated and start following.

And Hol-ly shit (continued)

/r/politics Thread Parent Link -