Boomers are disconnected from reality

You've got Boomers through GenX that were basically asleep at the wheel their entire adult lives.

Their labor "skill" is menial at best, their "education" specialized in something that Excel can automate and do better and they have absolutely no clue how economics work, they've never bargained in their lives. They buy it off the rack for the posted price. That is the backbone of their economic understanding, they are a consumer, and if they don't like what it costs here, they can go somewhere else, until they can't. This is where all the wealth built up by previous generations went, to outsourced overseas labor producing cheap, but cheap, goods. Instead of remaining internalized and circulating.

America built huge capital after WWII by converting factories from war production to actual, physical commercial products that sucked marginally less than anything else on the market, with some new razzle dazzle military tech sprinkled in. This is the same generation that, by the way, put a man on the moon. That is NOT a boomer accomplishment, the Greatest Generation fought a World War and then came home and decided to fly to the Moon. Boomers on the other hand, are an entire generation that inherited the best logistics system in the world for producing goods that weren't complete garbage. They learned none of it, pushed "counter-culture" "virtue signalling" bullshit causes as an excuse to get high, their own generational "wokeness" version of The Civil Rights movement, and Corporate America started outsourcing their labor needs overseas, because none of the dumb fuck Boomers actually knew how to do their jobs. They all went to middle management, because they're racist nepotists. They didn't EARN it, it was given to them.

Yes, education was cheap, but you get what you pay for. Their college days were spent getting wasted, baked or coked out of their gourds and they found employment in places where the work couldn't be outsourced, likely due to cost. Mom and pop businesses went tits up due to their incompetence, the middling sized companies that produced niche but popular products had their profit margins squeezed out due to exaggerated wages that weren't seeing returns in productivity, and these businesses eventually flopped to.

Now we have mega-corporations that do all the physical production of goods anywhere BUT on American soil. And that's it, that's the whole economy. There is no such thing as American wealth anymore, we are a poor country. Dirt poor. We produce nothing and are owned by foreign corporate interests.

All because 2 entire generations decided that learning math in school was for nerds.

They glorify ignorance and don't give two shits that they sold out their country and their children.

The Greatest Generation knew what garbage people Boomers were, the history is there, they knew exactly what was going to happen. Yes, that generation had issues too, lots of them social, and lots of that is propped up by exploitation, but it doesn't make them wrong about what they thought their children were going to do and be once they were running the show.

Get drunk, party, and let white collar crooks and thieves steal the American Dream.

I've got no patience for Boomers that want to lecture about economics, and they aren't too old to catch a beating if they really want to get irate about their opinions. They can sit down and shut the fuck up while their children fix the mess they've made. They are hands down the single most uninformed and undereducated demographic, and what they think means exactly nothing.

Put them in a home and feed them opioids, it's exactly what they've always wanted.

In return, the least they can do, is shut the fuck up and not meddle.

/r/antiwork Thread